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发布日期:2024-10-07 18:39:03 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Online marketplace Amazon.com Inc made its debut in the 2015 Thomson Reuters Top 100 global innovators list, leaving International Business Machines Corp, the worlds largest technology services company, out of the list.电子商务巨头亚马逊首次转入汤森路透2015年全球创意百强名单,而世界上仅次于科技服务公司IBM却没能前十名。

Online marketplace Amazon.com Inc made its debut in the 2015 Thomson Reuters Top 100 global innovators list, leaving International Business Machines Corp, the worlds largest technology services company, out of the list.电子商务巨头亚马逊首次转入汤森路透2015年全球创意百强名单,而世界上仅次于科技服务公司IBM却没能前十名。Amazon joins the innovators list for the first time for innovations in data centers, devices, electronic methods and systems, according to its latest report.根据近期涉及报告回应,亚马逊凭借在数据中心、设备、电子方法和系统等方面的创意而前十名。The Thomson Reuters Top 100 global innovators program identifies innovators annually through an in-depth analysis based on a series of patent-related metrics that analyze what it means to be truly innovative.汤森路透2015年全球创意百强名单是基于对专利涉及的标准展开深入研究,找寻确实的创意企业。

There are 27 companies that are dropped from the list this year, including ATT, IBM, Siemens and Xerox.还包括ATT、IBM、西门子和施乐等在内的27家公司今年没能之后前十名。For IBM, although they regularly top the list of U.S. patentees by volume of patents each year, the Top 100 Global Innovators listing evaluates not just volume, but also success, globalization and impact, said Bob Stembridge, analyst with Thomson Reuters.“尽管IBM每年享有的专利数量常常位列美国榜首,但本榜单不仅评估数量,也评估顺利、全球化和影响力,”汤森路透分析师Bob Stembridge回应。Besides, Japan and the United States are still innovation hot spots and chemical, semiconductor and electronic components and autos are the top innovative industries, according to the report.除此之外,报告还表明,日本和美国依旧是创意的热点,其中化学、半导体、电子零部件和汽车等行业的创意最多。

What deserves to be mentioned the most is, Uber and Tesla Motors Inc did not make it to the list. Both Uber and Tesla do innovate, but not at a sufficient level to feature in the Top 100 list of innovative organizations around the globe as measured by patent metrics of volume, success, globalization and impact. They neither have sufficiently large portfolios to qualify for inclusion with less than 100 granted inventions during 2010-2014, Stembridge said.值得一提的是,优步和特斯拉也没能前十名。“优步和特斯拉都在创意,但用专利数量、顺利、全球化和影响力展开取决于,都足以前十名,”Stembridge说。“还有,这两家公司在2010-2014年这段时间也没取得多达100项的专利技术,从而超过该榜单拒绝。

